May 7,2007 City Council Meeting Minutes



Lorimor City Council Meeting

May 7, 2007     7:00 P.M.

The Lorimor City Council met Monday, May 7, 2007, at City Hall with Mayor Kent Forbes presiding.  Council members present:  Davis, Orwan, Schmidt, and Tucker.  Wright was absent.

First order of business was the opening of bids for the demolition of the buildings at 502-504 Main Street.  Bids, opened and read aloud, were received from Bright Excavating & Septic, Downey Construction, Henderson Enterprises, P&P Contractors, and R&D Utility Contractors.  At that time, the Council took no action so that they could deliberate the bids received, plus hear a report from Mayor Forbes about other options to demolition that he had researched.  He also reported that the Union County Landfill would no longer take construction debris after October 1st.  

Before any demolition could begin, the buildings need to be tested for asbestos.  A quote from August Enterprises, LLC had been received for inspection, bulk sampling, and laboratory reporting for $750.00.  Orwan moved to accept the quote from August Enterprises, LLC.  Second from Schmidt.  Vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.

After more discussion about the demolition of the buildings, Schmidt moved to accept the low bid of $45,550.00 from Downey Construction for the demolition, removal, and fill at the project site.  Davis seconded the motion.  Roll call vote:  Davis, Orwan, Schmidt - aye.  Tucker - nay.  Motion carried.

Davis moved to accept the consent agenda.  Second from Schmidt.  Vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.  The consent agenda included the approval of the payment of the bills as presented and the approval of the minutes of the April 9, 2007, meeting.

The first reading of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Regulation Ordinance

 to address the minimum width allowed for manufactured housing within an R-1 district was offered.  Orwan moved to approve the first reading, second from Schmidt.  Roll call vote:  Orwan, Schmidt - aye.  Davis, Tucker - nay.  The motion failed.

            Schmidt moved to the Resolution Adopting the Fourth Restated Articles of Incorporation of the southern Iowa Council of Governments, Inc. and Confirming Membership.  Orwan seconded the motion.  Roll call vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.

            Orwan moved to approve the Resolution Authorizing Prairie Sold Waste Agency to issue Solid Waste Revenue Bonds in amount not to exceed $1,500,000.  Davis seconded.  Roll call vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.

            Schmidt moved to approve the request from Planning and Zoning to paint the building at 406 Main Street (old city hall), the front of the old community center, and the flower pots along Main Street.  Orwan seconded.  Vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.  P& Z plans to enlist volunteer help for the flower pots.

            Orwan moved to adjourn.  Second from Schmidt.  Vote - all ayes.  Motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M.



Kent M. Forbes, Mayor

Attest: ______________________

Mary Seales, City Clerk

Bills Paid May 7, 2007

By Vendor

Vendor                                   Description                                           Amount

Kent Forbes                          Reimburse/digital camera                  342.46

Mark Grenti                          Generator install                                  340.00

Mary Seales                          Reimburse/mileage,meeting              118.50

Lorimor Mun Utilities         Utility Service                                       551.84

Toppin Welding                   Repairs                                                  122.20

Madison Cnty Vet Clinic   Stray dog impound, eutha                 106.20

E&T Tire                               Tire repair/backhoe                             80.81

Waste Management           Contract service/April                         2072.00

Creston Publishing               Publishing-legal                                    74.11

Afton Star Enterprise          Publishing-mowing ad                        14.00

Qwest                                     Fire phone                                             40.73

Schildberg Constr                Road rock-March                                                1230.43

MCI                                       Long distance service                         36.99

Matt Parrott & Sons            Treasurer's receipt books                   187.29

SIRWA                                  Water utility                                          68.00

South Central       Comm   Telephone service                                94.88

Mastercard                           Billing stamps, overnight

                                                postage                                                  111.90

First National Bank             Loan pay't/fire vehicle                       1360.00

Treasurer-State of IA          Sales tax-gas                                        514.00

Treasurer-State of IA          Sales tax-comm sewer                        81.00

Alliant Energy                      Electric utility                                       839.67

Alliant Energy                      Electric-fire station                              56.40

Alliant Energy                      Electric-Comm Bldg                           93.48

Vance & Hochstetler          Relocation of survey pins                  156.50

Brown Supply                      Locator batteries/gas                          48.04

WalMart Comm                  Supplies/Comm Center                      35.24

Breedings Hardware           Material/generator install                   184.31

NAPA-Creston                     Repair prts/fire dept                            60.36

Brittains Std Parts                Repair-clutch, shop tools,

                                                oil, filters                                                460.26

ISU-Treasurer's Office       Haz Mat training/fire                          50.00

Madison County Vet          Dog impound, euth                             74.45

All Season Outdoors           April mowing                                        300.00

Family Center                      Supplies                                                 46.87

Schildberg Constr                Road rock-April                                   444.10

The Shopper                         Mowing ad                                            19.90

Creston Publishing               Mowing ad                                            40.25

Flander,Casper,Rosien       Legal Service                                        37.50

Southwestern Comm Coll EMS Jamboree                                     130.00

WS Darley                             Supplies - fire                                       127.05

Reliable                                 Office supplies                                     89.54

IAMU                                    Gas OQ testing                                     180.00

April 2007 Payroll

Net payroll                                            2070.37

IPERS                                                    332.08

First National Bank/941 tax             978.76


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