American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary minutes

Fred N. Davis Post Unit #96 of the A.L.A. met in regular session on Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 with six members answering roll call.

Meeting was called to order by President Sue Schmidt. Kathleen Seales presented the colors. We said the Pledge of Allegiance in unison.

Chaplain Linda Corsbie offered the opening prayer.

The Preamble of the Constitution of the Auxiliary was said in unison.

Roll Call was answered by six members: Mary Braynard, Linda Corsbie, Maurine (Sue) Schmidt, Kathleen Seales, Mary Seales, and Lela Stonehocker.

Junior ALA

The Junior American Legion Auxiliary met Thursday evening, November 2, 2006 at Doris Jackson's home. Members present were Abbie Raney, Mallory Raney, Mickayla Houseman, Reagan Brown, and Josie Houseman, and one guest, Alex Brown.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said.

Old Business - They made 12 cards for Veterans.

New Business - They planned their Christmas Caroling and Party.

The American Legion Junior Auxiliary Meeting - September 21, 2006

The American Legion Junior Auxiliary met at 5 p.m. September 21, 2006 at the Lorimor City Park.

Roll Call was answered by Mikayla Houseman and Josie Houseman. We had one guest, Melissa Houseman.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said in unison.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer's Report was given.

Old Business: Winners of our drawing on Watermelon Day were Sandi Tucker, Dayna Decker, Carolyn Habatha, and Melissa Houseman. We would like to thank everyone who stopped by our stand and supported us this first year. Also thank you to Kami Raney and Melissa Houseman for helping to decorate the float and helping with the stand and also to Bobby Jackson for all the work he put into the hayrack and for pulling the float in the parade.

American Legion Auxiliary Regular Session on September 26, 2006

Fred N. Davis Post, Unit 96, Auxiliary met in regular session on September 26, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Meeting was called to order by President, Maurine (Sue) Schmidt.

Chaplain Linda Corsbie offered the opening prayer. Roll Call was answered by seven members: Mary Braynard, Linda Corsbie, Doris Jackson, Maurine Schmidt, Kathleen Seales, Mary Seales, and Lela Stonehocker. Roll Call was answered with a secret desire.

Preamble to the Constitution and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag were recited in unison.

Join the American Legion Auxiliary

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 96 is seeking new members to join our worthwhile organization.  To be a member of the ALA, you must have a veteran in your family that is presently a member of the American Legion or a deceased veteran that served in World War I, World War II, Merchant Marines (12/7/41-8/15/45 Only), Korea (6/25/50-1/31/55), Vietnam (2/28/61-5/7/75), Grenada/Lebanon (8/24/82-7/31/84), Panama (12/20/89-1/31/90), Persian Gulf War (8/2/90 until cessation of hostilities as determined by the US Government).  Eligible applicants are the mother, wife, daughter, sister, gra