Article 1

Briefly Briefing
It is the purpose of this publication to present opinions sprinkled with news in such a manner as to provide
Accuracy, Clarity, Brevity
Rod Kirkhart, Box 102 Lorimor, IA 50149
October 15th2007


     If this was a play it would star... The Dollar; The Treasury Department; The Foreign Buyers; The Federal Reserve Bank; The USA.

     The United States needs money.  So it sells treasury bonds of so many dollars to foreign buyers.  The bonds at the time of purchase are worth so much value against the foreign buyer's own country's currency as well as the rest of the world's currencies.

     One of the variables that increases or decreases the value of the dollar is the Prime Lending Rate.  When the Federal Reserve Bank lowers the prime rate it makes dollars cheaper to loan between the commercial banks in the USA and will at times lower the value of the dollar throughout the majority of the world.

      If a foreign buyer bought a ten year treasury bond six years ago and the dollar has now lost 10% of its value and the foreign buyer purchased the bond at 5% interest, the foreign buyer (country) is probably scratching their head wondering about the viability of investing in bonds backed by the US dollar.

     If the prime rate is lowered further lowering the value of the dollar to a point where the other countries have no confidence in getting their money back there will be a run on the dollar by countries of the world like the run on banks that started the great depression.  This time it will be the world.







Does The Left Wing Know What The Right Wing Is Doing?

     I'm confused, did it say a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations?

     Being in the state we are, politics can be a hot topic of conversation.  We are on the verge of having a two family dynasty in the oval office for more than twenty years. 

     Although many hate the President, the congress has a lower approval rate than the President in some polls by 10-20%.

      If the President and the congress are so low in the polls, then it's logical to assume that they are not doing the will of the people.  If they are not doing the will of the people who's will are they doing?  Woodward and Bernstein was told by Deep Throat to follow the money when they undertook the down fall of Nixon.  If we follow the money today where would it lead us?

     It is inferred that the candidate who raises the most money is the most likely to win the office. 

      I can't imagine that we the people would freely give money to candidates we don't like, so it is assumed that the money comes from special interest groups (corporations & social change bigots).  The media enjoys this because it is the media who is going receive money for political ads.  Then once elected, policy is set by the corporations and bigots.  As someone said, the Democrat & Republican Parties are the left and right wing of the same bird... that bird is special interest groups not the people.

   Where Is The Big Guy In The Sky?

Since 1973 approximately 1.3 million murders of the innocent (womb)have occurred per year.  Generally American Society sees no effect on the nation except there is now no danger of the USA being over populated through the birth rate.  Families, that is, one man marrying one woman without divorce raising their children have been in decline.

Many people who have a belief in God think these circumstances must make Him truly unhappy and wonder what the Guy in the sky is doing about it.

It has yet to dawn on many that a culture in which the great majority believe in life at conception and marriage is for life is flowing across our Southern boarder in biblical proportions.  (I'm preaching to myself as well)




Beyond The Cosmos...  found at


The Truth About Mohammed...  Book Stores


BBC Reports:


Turkey is massing on the northern boarder of Iraq to attack the Kurds.


Pakistan is launching attacks on Talaban and al Queda forces near where Bin Laden is thought to be                                                   

 Tracking And Taxing

     Taxing is becoming a rather Targeted sport such as $1.00 extra on tobacco to taxing last year's refund.  And, no one seems to be bothered about GPS in their phones or autos. 

     The other night on Nightly Business Report they had a guest near the end of the show who had an idea.  Make GPS mandatory on all vehicles.  Since there is going to be (supposedly) a switch to green: electric; hydrogen and so on, the revenue received by gas sales will decrease.  With the roads and bridges in such disrepair where will the money come from for repair of our infrastructure?  This guest had the answer.

     Her idea was to track vehicles' routes knowing what roads were traveled and how often.  Then at the end of the month determine which roads that were traveled are in bad condition and implement a tax on the car based on what roads and how often they were traveled.  Traveling on a road in bad repair would constitute a higher tax than on a newer road.

     Is it me or does it seem like some kind of right was just thought how to be taken away?  However, you don't have a right to drive, it is a privilege.  Just as it is in the coming future to map your route using your billfold will be a privilege.  Since it is a privilege to drive, the government knowing your location each moment you exist is not a privacy issue.

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