City News

Reconciliation of Utility Billings, Collection and Delinquent Accounts in the (Internal Contol Deffiencies: Section D) of the 2014 State Audit for the City of Lorimor

(D) Reconciliation of Utility Billings, Collections and Delinquent Accounts – Utility billings, collections and delinquent accounts were not reconciled throughout the year. In addition, the City does not have a written policy pertaining to write-offs of delinquent utility accounts or in assessing late fees. Also, adjustments to accounts were not approved or supported. Pre-numbered receipts are not issued for all utility collections not accompanied by a prenumbered utility stub.

Election Day for the City of Lorimor

It is time to elect your City Council members!

There are nine people runing for the open vacancies!

So Get Out and Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Event details
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 - 7:00am - 8:00pm
Lorimor Community Center
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