What should the new City Council & Mayor take action on or start with when they start their duties in January?

Meeting the remedies in the 2014 State Audit for Lorimor
17% (1 vote)
Setting up a written policy for appointing or hiring city workers
0% (0 votes)
Setting up a Bonding Policy for who is appointed to any City job
0% (0 votes)
Correcting the problems with the City sewer system
17% (1 vote)
Setting work hours for appointed & hired employees
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Side Walks
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Setting up an internal audit committee for public funds
0% (0 votes)
All of the above
67% (4 votes)
Total votes: 6


Things that are important to as a newly elected Council member.

I would be interested in what the citizens in the City of Lorimor think are important. If there is an area you think is important to bring before the City Council in January make a comment below and I will add your concern to the list.

You will have to have an account on this site to vote or comment. This sight is free for people in the area or if you have family in the area.

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Register for an account, wait to be activated and varified!

Get one of the people that already have an account recomend you and I will activate your account. Need a mailing address to help varify!




Time frame of this Poll!

This poll will be in effect until the Feb. council meeting. I will put a new one on at that time. If an item is not listed in this poll, make a comment on a new item and I will put it in the next poll. Any item that the new council has takin care of will be taken off!

Your opinion is important! So express it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







I agree with everything llisted in the poll, but obvisiouly somethings have to be first and somethings have to be last. The audit situation has to be first in corilation with internal audit committee without getting a handle on budget, nothing else can take place. The sewer is next, everyone knows if it wasn't for me pushing to fix some of the lagoon valves and with the help of Dirk Johnson keeping in contact with Department of Natural Resources, Lorimor would have been visited by DNR and $10,800 spent would have been nothing if they came in a dictated what we needed to do. We as the city need to continue with this project, there is a major clean water infiltration problem. The council needs to contact Austin Smith, Engineer, from Global and Associates in Creston, I was working with him to apply for search grants to locate the inflitrations. They also need to contact Jeremy Rounds, SICOG, for additional search grants.

The streets and alleys, first thing that needs to be done is clean out the ditches. We need to rent a mini excavator to accomplish this efficiently. Yes, we have a backhoe, but using the excavator it can stradle the ditch and making the drain slope straight and narrow unlike the backhoe with a larger bucket.

City employees hours of work: The city clerk position should remain Monday thru Friday normal business hours. The city maintenance position should and needs to have variable hours as needed. For example, when things are quiet and normal day to day operations, Monday thru Friday, now I don't have a problem with 8 to 4:30 or even 9 to 5:30 its 8 hours, but when projects come up and it's easier to work a 10 hour day to complete it, let it happen. Travis Shannon is an excellant employee with vast maintence knowledge, he has saved Lorimor lots of money by not having outside contractors come in and repair things he took care of himself.

The last thing is the city park, I was working on locating grant money to fix the playground area and a solution to the sand wasp problem. That park needs to be show place for our residents to take their children and not have to worry about them getting hurt.

Thanks Randy!

Thanks Randy for your comment and recomdations.  I agree with most of the things listed. There should be a discussion on each item.

I think the items should be seperated into tax revenue funding and user based funding. A budget is set up for the tax funding (property taxes). The sewer and gas system is funded by  user based funds ( sewer and gas revenue). The tax revenue is handled differently than the user based funding.

The user based funding is based on the revenue collected from the utility bills (sewer & gas). Out of the revenue there is operating cost, monies held  in a reserve fund (to fix the problems you have listed), and a reasonable profit from operating the system for use in the general fund. Grants are fine, but the problems you are talking about have to be fixed as quickly as possible. I have no problem working with the DNR. Those problems should have been corrected when you brought to the City Council. The DNR provides consultation visits to help correct those types of problems. During a consultation visit, the City can't be sited. The City is responsible for getting the problems done before they have a compiance audit. Your Utility bills will go up or down and any work done will be reflected in those utility bills. The City Council at the time you reported the issues involved  were responsible for doing that type of maintenance needed on the systems. It would have been cheaper to do the normal maintenance needed in small amounts than waiting till they have accumulated into a bigger expense as we have at this time. The City could have been cited at any time for those issues. The DNR would have set up an abatement schedule with reasonable time limits. They would not have waited for any grants in the abatement time frame. The City is responsible at the time not a year after they are reported. This doesn't mean the City shouldn't try to get grants to help on there operating expenses. The problems should be fixed when they are reported, to comply with any state regulations that the City are in violation of. These types of problems have nothing to do with the City budget. They are handled with the funds generated through the utility rates.



Conditions of Employment

Conditions of employment determine hours worked (regular and overtime). These hours are set by the City Council and maintained by the Mayor under the interpertation of the City Attourney. Emergency situations (weather and maintenance conditions) are determined by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.  There is no reason normal maintenance problems can' t be done during the work hours set up. The emergency work and overtime situations should be determined by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.

There shouldn't be any normal work done without a work order from the City Clerk. The work order should be signed off by the city worker and Mayor when the work is completed and presented at the next City Council meeting for approval for payment of the hours that are worked. The Mayor is responsible for over - seeing the work done.



The City should be applying for Grants all year not just for things that come up. Grants are great sources of revenue for future projects along with emergency issues. Southwestern has grant writing  in the business courses. I went through the grant writing when I went through the Building program. It is a very important part of that program. The Career  Planning Office at Southwestern has grant writing material that is very helpful and they are also willing to help anyone in that area.

They have a book with all kinds of grants to apply for. All you have to do is go down the list and start applying. The secret is to keep applying as you go. You might only get one out of a hundred. You can't get a grant unless you apply for one. The ones you didn't think you will get will be the one you receive.


Grant writing should be an important part of your City Government.